Mad Max Publishing, announced author Ruben Alcoba, Esq, the book recently went number one on Amazon

DORAL, FLORIDA, USA, August 5, 2022 / — Mad Max Publishing, announced its new bestselling author Ruben Alcoba, Esqwhose recently released book, “How to Secure Patents for NFTS, DEFI, Crypto and Smart Contractsquickly climbed the charts to become a number one bestseller on July 30, 2022.

Published, promoted, and achieved the #1 national bestseller on Amazon.

Ruben Alcoba, Esq is a Miami-registered patent attorney who specializes in intellectual property protection in the crypto and blockchain market. Mr. Alcoba has over 20 years of experience as a patent attorney with over 400 patents filed and over 2,500 trademarks. He has worked with many clients helping them protect their ideas. He shares this valuable knowledge in this book by helping inventors protect their ideas.

Ruben Alcoba, esq
Alcoba Law
+1 305-362-8118

Lola R. McClure