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Assembly elections
Assembly elections

India, Thailand and the Philippines would be the big losers as the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine pushes up prices for oil and other commodities.

In Crude Russian Roulette, India among top 3 losers in Asian economies

name Price Change % changes
Indiabulls Hsg 144.50 -4.05 -2.73
Sbi 485.10 12:45 p.m. 2.63
ntpc 130.65 6.25 5.02
Nhpc 27.65 0.40 1.47




Which of these youngsters will score the most runs this ipl?


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Overview of the IPO

Equity Type Issue price Size of the problem Lot size Open issue Closing the issue
Shigan Quantum View profile initial public offering of an SME 50 22.7 3000 28-02 03-03
Equity Issue price Registration date Ad open close ad Listing Earnings % CPM Current Earnings %
Maruti interior 55 16-02 75.45 71.90 30.73 61.40 11.64
Vedant modes 866 16-02 950.00 934.85 7.95 831.55 -3.98
Safa Systems ten 09-02 4:55 p.m. 15.73 57.3 10.77 7.70
quality RO 51 09-02 52.25 53.70 5.29 52.00 1.96
Scheme Fund category information Purchase order Opening date Closing date
No NFO details available.
Equity Type Issue price Size of the problem Lot size Subscription Open issue Closing the issue

Vaidya Sane Ayu See profile

initial public offering of an SME 73 20.23 0 0.12 10-02 15-02

Ekennis Softwar View Profile

initial public offering of an SME 72 2.88 0 21-02 24-02

chat box

Ajay Jain
Ajay Jain

CEO, ajayastromoneyguru

February 28 – 2:00 p.m.

What do the stars predict?

chat box

Ajay Jain
Ajay Jain

CEO, ajayastromoneyguru

February 28 – 2:00 p.m.

What do the stars predict?

Securities transaction

Company Name Agenda

No AGM / EGM available

Company Name Last prize Change Market capitalization Net sales net profit Assets

country=India page generated=2022-02-25 14:24:10

Lola R. McClure