Author Kathryn Latour’s new book “The Art of Social Self-Promotion” is a tongue-in-cheek guide to achieving popularity for socially ambitious women

Kathryn Latour, an accomplished pianist/composer, party planner, craftswoman, mother of five grown children, and Stanford-educated lawyer who questions why she went to law school, has finished her new book The Art of Social Self-Promotion : A satire on how to become the most popular woman you know” : a light but sharp critical analysis of the social ambition without limits.

Author Kathryn Latour gives it to you directly. She’s written a how-to guide for women to become the type of person she absolutely hates: social promoters. This tongue-in-cheek self-help book, if applied, will help women navigate the social seas of becoming socially popular where everyone in her community knows who she is and considers her the most accomplished person she is. they know, but is someone among them. we’re actually going to hate.

“These women don’t just think they’re better than us, they know it. What’s worse is this: it’s as if they’ve memorized this book from cover to cover because they’ve learned to never show their flaws. Finagle is their watchword.

This book is needed in our society today to shine a light on those – mostly women – who seek to rise to positions of power by using the harmless but deadly means of befriending people in a non-humanistic way. But they’re more than just adult “mean girls.” They are experienced tricksters who convince others that they are goodness personified. These types of people are more prevalent than we would like to think, and they leave our society devoid of a soul.

So read this book if you must, but only read it for entertainment. If you read it with the intention of putting it into practice, you will know you have succeeded when you realize that if we really knew you, we would despise, if not hate, social self-promotion.

Published by Page Publishing, Kathryn Latour’s captivating book is an entertaining read for women of all ages.

Readers wishing to experience this captivating book can purchase “The Art of Social Self-Promotion: A Satire on How to Become the Most Popular Woman You Know” in bookstores around the world, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

For more information or media requests, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.

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Lola R. McClure