Author John Wasowicz and photographer Daniel Horowitz will exhibit their work at MADE IN ALX

The Wilson Bridge from Jones Point (Photo: Daniel Horowitz)

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Daniel Horowitz and John Wasowicz will be exhibiting their artwork featuring local points of interest including Daingerfield Island, Jones Point and Gadsby’s Tavern on Saturday and Sunday, August 28 and 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. MADE IN ALX533 Montgomery Street in Old Town North.

Horowitz will exhibit his extraordinary photographs of the Wilson Bridge, seen from Jones Point; Daingerfield Island Marina; and photos of the old town taken from angles that offer a new and unique perspective of familiar places.

Wasowicz will feature its Old Town mystery series, including “Daingerfield Island” and “Jones Point,” as well as the new “Gadsby’s Corner.”

Local residents are invited to join the photographer and writer and discuss their own artistic works inspired by popular locations in and around the Old Town.

Horowitz is an organic chemist who has spent many years working for environmental protection but has always had a passion for urban and landscape photography. Her images of Alexandria have appeared in many local galleries and news media sites.

Wasowicz, a lawyer, has lived in the Wessynton neighborhood near Mount Vernon for over 30 years. He started the mystery series Old Town in 2017; the series currently consists of 5 books.

Their works will be presented as a package with a 20% discount. The photos and books are on permanent display at the MADE IN ALX store, which showcases the artistic creations of over 40 local artisans.

Experience the Around the World Cultural Festival at Oronoco Bay Park on August 27

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Lola R. McClure